Donald Trump and Jeb Bush take their feud to the next level


Donald Trump and Jeb Bush take their feud to the next level

The feud between Donald Trump and Jeb Bush appears to be intensifying. Bush offered the most direct assault on his frontrunning rival to date on Tuesday, retaliating for a series of personal insults with a review of Trump’s past record of supporting Democratic causes. In a Web video, the Bush campaign used Trump’s own words in support of Democrat Hillary Clinton, a universal health care system, higher taxes and late-term abortion to make the case that he is not a conservative.

If you look at the record of what [Trump] believes, he supports Democrats. … This is not a guy who is a conservative.

Jeb Bush

The ad comes as Bush, among the candidates whose standing has been damaged by the Donald’s summer rise, and Trump have been increasingly sparring on the campaign trail. Trump, who has dominated in the polls since entering the race, frequently pillories Bush as a “low-energy person” and released his own sharply negative ad on Monday that blasted Bush’s softer tone on illegal immigration.

Yet another weak hit by a candidate with a failing campaign.

Donald Trump on Twitter