Dredd Animated Webseries Deals With Dark Judges

In 2012, Judge Dredd fans were given something fantastic: Dredd, a movie starring Karl Urban as the titular character which finally gave worldwide audiences a movie fans could be proud of.

Since then, the Internet, as well as Karl Urban and the folks at 2000 AD, have been screaming for a sequel to this film. If that day ever comes, fans will at least have something to hold them over.

Executive Producer of Dredd, Adi Shankar is producing a new animated wed-series based on the "Dark Judges" story line. That means that fans can expect some Judge Death causing trouble. Entertainment Weekly reported on new images for this series being released, and frankly, it looks pretty awesome.

It's titled "Superfriend," and this is supposed to be a sort of sequel but a part of Shankar's "Reboot Universe," which also contains The Punisher's "Dirty Laundry" and Venom's "Truth in Journalism."

As of right now, there's no mention of when this is going to be released, but you can check out some of EW's exclusive images below.

What do you guys think of this idea?

Source: EW

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