Ed Sheeran Confuses Fans By Making His Lion Tattoo Disappear

So, you know that massive lion Ed Sheeran got tattooed on his chest not so long ago? Er, well it turns out that said lion has had enough of feasting on Eddy’s n*ps for lunch and has leapt straight back off again.

Sort of. Here’s what his chest looked like before:


Copyright [Instagram]

And here’s what it looks like now:


Copyright [Instagram]

Hold on, there’s something different. Nope, don’t tell us what it is. We’ll get there, promise.

Just give us ten more minutes to stare at his chest while we figure it out. This is highly scientific research, y’know.



So, here’s the deal. Eddy, 24, decided that a Wednesday afternoon was the perfect time to confuse the bajeezus out of his fans, posting a photo of his now lion-tattoo-less chest and writing: “Was only joking about the lion.”

Fans were immediately thrown in about 100 different directions, with some taking his admission deadly seriously and believing that he really did just get the world’s biggest temporary tattoo to fool us all.

You wouldn’t find that one as a free gift with Smash Hits! magazine.


Others, however, are a little more skeptical about this, arguing that perhaps Ed’s just used the power of make-up to cover it up.

Some even reckon he’s sneakily pulled the chest hair covered blanket over all of our eyes, and has actually posted a photo of his BACK.

Their argument? That his beard is simply not that thick and bushy in real life.


In conclusion, we’re not entirely sure what’s going on, we’re not entirely sure where Ed’s beast has gone (careful) and we’re not entirely sure we believe what he’s saying.

We reckon this fan’s comment probably sums it all up best: “A slight nip slip would end all this confusion.”

Help us out here, Ed? Please?