The Edge: Clinton Gears Up for the Season Finale

Today in One Paragraph

California, New Jersey, and four other states are holding their presidential nominating contests. House Speaker Paul Ryan said that Donald Trump’s questioning a federal judge’s competency was “racist.” The White House threatened to veto the Senate version of the National Defense Authorization Act. Lawmakers in Washington, D.C. approved a new measure to increase the minimum wage to $15 an hour. And 11 people were killed in a bombing in Istanbul.

Top News

The Home Stretch. Voters in California, New Jersey, Montana, New Mexico, North Dakota, and South Dakota head to the polls. On Thursday night, the Associated Press confirmed that Hillary Clinton has reached the magic number to clinch the Democratic nomination—effectively crowning her the winner. Bernie Sanders is neck and neck with Clinton in California, but even if he wins, it won’t be enough to overcome her lead. We’re following it live here. (The Atlantic)

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It Was Wrong, But Still… House Speaker Paul Ryan called Donald Trump’s comments about federal Judge Gonzalo Curiel’s Mexican heritage “the textbook definition of a racist comment” but added that he would still support the presumptive Republican nominee in November. “It’s absolutely unacceptable. But do I believe that Hillary Clinton is the answer? No, I do not.” Ryan said. Other Republicans weren’t so forgiving: Illinois Senator Mark Kirk, who previously endorsed Trump, said he “cannot and will not” support Trump any longer. (The New York Times; Chicago Sun Times)

Defense Fight Coming to a Boil. The White House once again threatened to veto the NDAA, the annual defense policy bill that is currently being debate in the Senate, citing heavy-handed measures to use funds appropriated for foreign wars to keep domestic bases open, force cuts to the President’s National Security Council, and keep Guantanamo Bay open. (Richard Lardner, Associated Press)

The District Gets a Wage Hike. Washington, D.C. councilmembers unanimously approved a minimum wage increase from $10.50 to $15, making D.C. the fourth U.S. city to do so, after Los Angeles, New York City, and Seattle. The new hourly wage is expected to take effect by 2020. (Matt Vasilogambros, The Atlantic)

Explosion in Turkey. A car bomb in Istanbul exploded near a police bus in a busy tourist district, killing at least 11 people and wounding 36. Seven of the dead were police officers, who were the apparent targets of the attack. It is the third largest bombing in Turkey’s biggest city this year. (Hurriyet Daily News)

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Tomorrow in One Paragraph. Hillary Clinton will campaign in New York, and President Obama will be in the city attending fundraisers and taping an appearance on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon. India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi will address a joint meeting of Congress.

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Top Read

“Who knows what he’ll say? Certainly not his endorsers. Oh, they know more bigoted words of some sort are likely to pass his lips, that Hispanics or Muslims or women are likely to recur as his targets. But they must expect to be surprised again by unknown words they won’t want to defend. Still, they remain hitched to his campaign. Sad!” The Atlantic’s Conor Friedersdorf on why Republican leaders won’t rescind their endorsements of Donald Trump.

Top Lines

Keeping the Ball Rolling. Bernie Sanders supporters are coming to terms with reality after the AP announced that Hillary Clinton has enough delegates and superdelegates to clinch the Democratic nomination. Here’s how some say they will continue Sanders’s political revolution. (Emma Roller, The New York Times)

Sasse’s Sass. The Nebraska Senator is one of the few Republicans still speaking out against Donald Trump; Sasse says he has a duty to his constituents to speak his mind, but his critics say he’s hurting the party’s chances in November. (Seung Min Kim and Burgess Everett, Politico)

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It Can’t Be That Bad. Talking Points Memo’s Lauren Fox writes on a common GOP case for voting Trump, noting that invoking an inevitable contingency plan may not be the most reassuring strategy to use when endorsing someone for the most powerful office in the world.


Top View

Meryl Trump. The actress dressed up as the presumptive Republican nominee during a show at New York’s Public Theater. Here are several photos of the “profoundly unsettling” costume. (Chris Plante, The Verge)

Supreme Stagnation. The Senate’s battle for ideological control over Supreme Court seats has leaked into lower-court appointments, and vacancies are growing: Ten percent of all district court judgeships are vacant under President Obama—significantly more than at any point in either George W. Bush’s or Bill Clinton’s presidencies. (Spencer S. Hsu, The Washington Post)

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-Written by Elaine Godfrey (@elainejgodfrey)

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This article was originally published on The Atlantic.