Electric Sheep review

Electric Sheep is a screensaver program that also lets you contribute to its own evolution by voting for your favorite designs as they dance across the screen. "Sheep" in this app are colorful, abstract geometric patterns that flow and fluctuate, and they can keep you entertained for hours.


Customizable: With this app, you have lots of options for how you want to view the animations and in what context. For instance, you can choose to play them as a screensaver, or in a window in one part of the screen while you work on something else. You can also adjust the speed of the animation and other features to suit your mood or style.

Evolution in action: This program lets you view and contribute to the evolution of the designs you're viewing by actively voting on the ones you like the best. All other users have the opportunity to vote as well, and these votes help to determine which characteristics are incorporated into future designs.


Internet-dependent: Each time you turn on the app, new "sheep" are downloaded, and older versions are erased. Your votes also need to be sent via Internet, which means you need to be connected at all times while using this program.

Bottom Line

Electric Sheep is a fun twist on a conventional screensaver model. It's free, and its interactive component can get you hooked quickly. In fact, you may find yourself watching the designs flow across your screen for much longer than you intended. But even if you don't get sucked in to that part of the program, the designs are a nice way to keep your screen fresh.

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