Eliot Spitzer bucks liberal orthodoxy: ‘Citizens United was correct’ [VIDEO]

On Friday night’s “Real Time with Bill Maher” on HBO, former New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer broke with his allies on the left and explained why he thought the Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission decision was the right call.

The opinion is one which Spitzer has expressed before, but in the middle of the Republican presidential nomination contest, he explained how the decision best reflects the spirit of the First Amendment of the Constitution.

“Let me make a different point, and this proves… five is most powerful number in The United States of America,” Spitzer said. “Five justices can do anything — elect a president, rewrite the Constitution.’

“Now, having said that, Bill, we rarely disagree. I am with the ACLU [American Civil Liberties Union] on this one. I think as a First Amendment principle, Citizens United was correct.”

Spitzer explained to Maher that there is no distinction between some of the shows on the airwaves, all owned by corporations and corporations participating in politics through paid advertising.

“Your show is owned by a corporation,” Spitzer said to Maher. “So you have a First Amendment right. And so, I don’t know how you distinguish between the New York Times editorial page, Rachel Maddow, George [Stephanopoulos]‘s show — all owned by corporation, corporations’

“The First Amendment: shall make, pass no law abridging the right of speech. Doesn’t say by anybody, it says speech. I don’t care whose speech it is. The ACLU agrees with me and Larry Lessig, great academic on this. So this is a more textured issue. It has done horrific things to politics. But as a First Amendment issue, it’s a much more complicated issue.”

Spitzer explained there could be restrictions, but ultimately he said the democracy would be better for the free speech.

“We can limit contributions to candidates, and we should be able to do that. We should mandate absolute disclosure. But as a First Amendment principle, people should be able to say what they want, how they want with their own money. I don’t care if it’s [Sheldon] Adelson or somebody who is of my political views on the left. Let speech breed speech. You never defeat speech by limiting speech is the First Amendment principle by which I live. I just think we’ll be a healthier democracy for it.”

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