'Elysium' Is Here to Save The Summer Blockbuster

After Man of Steel turned out to be such a disappointment, America could use a good old-fashioned summer movie that is actually good. And, well, here's something to get even more excited about: Neill Blomkamp's Elysium looks better than ever. Expanding on the already-great first trailer, this second look gives us a closer look into Matt Damon's hero and the gritty world in which he lives... before he goes to space. He is beaten after mouthing off to robotic police officials; he is offered a pill by a quite literal talking head. Robots in this world can detect sarcasm.

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As the first preview made clear, Blomkamp's film revolves around the concept that humans are divided. The poor are stuck on Earth and the rich on the space station Elysium, where the living is easy and disease-free. When an exposure condemns Damon's character to death, he is fixed with an exoskeleton that allows him to go to Elysium and become a hero for the people on Earth. Jodie Foster looks especially chilly as the space station's secretary of defense.

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Unfortunately, we have to wait until August to see this potential masterpiece in the making:

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