The end is finally in sight for the Apple-Samsung patent feud

Apple’s end goal: Cripple Samsung’s ability to profit from smartphones

Everyone who’s sick and tired of smartphone patent lawsuits can rejoice: We may finally, at long last, be nearing the end of one of the biggest. An unnamed high-level Samsung executive tells The Korea Times that “working-level discussions” with Apple on a patent licensing agreement “are now underway,” which is the firmest indication we’ve seen yet that the two smartphone giants may be getting ready to strike a deal. What’s more, a source at Korea’s Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning tells The Korea Times that the two companies are closer than ever to reaching a deal and have started “softening their positions on some contentious issues.” A jury in California recently awarded Apple an additional $290 million in its patent suit against Samsung, which may have been enough to convince Samsung that it needed to reach a settlement with Apple just to put an end to the persistent threat of litigation.

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