Eric Cantor Is Obama's New Least Favorite Republican

If you're a Republican, getting singled out by President Obama for scrutiny is a like of badge of honor. Today, that award goes to House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, who's in for a presidential tongue-lashing come 4 p.m. That's when President Obama is scheduled to speak on his $447 billion jobs bill. Obama's main gripe? Cantor's remarks yesterday that the jobs bill is dead on arrival. Here are the excerpts of Obama's speech that were distributed by the White House:

Yesterday, the Republican Majority Leader in Congress, Eric Cantor, said that right now, he won’t even let the jobs bill have a vote in the House of Representatives.  He won’t even give it a vote.  

Well I’d like Mr. Cantor to come down here to Dallas and explain what in this jobs bill he doesn’t believe in.  Does he not believe in rebuilding America’s roads and bridges?  Does he not believe in tax breaks for small businesses, or efforts to help veterans?

Mr. Cantor should come down to Dallas, look Kim Russell in the eye, and tell her why she doesn’t deserve to get a paycheck again.  Come tell her students why they don’t deserve to have their teacher back.    

Come tell Dallas construction workers why they should be sitting home instead of fixing our bridges and our schools.

Come tell the small business owners and workers in this community why you’d rather defend tax breaks for millionaires than tax cuts for the middle-class.     And if you won’t do that, at least put this jobs bill up for a vote so that the entire country knows exactly where every Member of Congress stands. 

The corresponding Cantor quote that got Obama steamed was issued on Monday, when he said the president's jobs bill wouldn't be brought to a vote. "This all-or-nothing approach is unreasonable,” Cantor said. “I would say from a practical side … he’s got problems on his own side of the aisle with provisions in the bill that Democratic members disagree with. There are many issues that I’ve listed here that we can work together on. So instead of continuing to maintain this sort of campaign posture, let’s do something to work together.”

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