Eric Holder Will Not Rest Until HBO Brings Back 'The Wire'

Eric Holder Will Not Rest Until HBO Brings Back 'The Wire'

Treme is a lovely show about New Orleans and jazz and highly competitive kitchen, but every time we watch it, we're distinctly aware we're not watching The Wire, Baltimore-set cops-and-crooks epic, also from creator David Simon, that aired on HBO from 2002 through 2008.

RELATED: How 'The Wire' Found Its Omar: 'The Omars of the World are Warriors'

Attorney General Eric Holder evidently feels the same way. Yesterday he invited three of the show's actors--Wendell Pierce (Det. Bunk Moreland), Sonja Sohn (Det. Kima Greggs), and Jim True-Frost (Roland Pryzbylewski, the detective-turned-teacher from season four)--to Washington to announce a new anti-drug public relations campaign at the Justice Department. In their presence, the attorney general offered a heartfelt--if three-years-too-late--pitch to save the show.

RELATED: 'The Wire' Creator David Simon Has a Counteroffer for Eric Holder

"I want to speak directly to [Co-creator Ed] Burns and Mr. Simon: Do another season of The Wire,” said as the audience laughed and applauded.“That’s actually at a minimum. … If you don’t do a season, do a movie.  We’ve done HBO movies, this is a series that deserves a movie. I want another season or I want a movie. I have a lot of power Mr. Burns and Mr. Simon.”

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"Hear, Hear!" Wendell Pierce was heard to exclaim.