Every crazy NSA revelation in one giant chart

The United States National Security Agency has had a rough year. It all began when former NSA contractor Edward Snowden infiltrated the agency’s systems and stole thousands upon thousands of confidential documents revealing many of the top-secret cyber surveillance programs the NSA has employed in recent years. The revelations began with PRISM but there have now been so many that it may be a good time for a quick recap.

For those who are still interested in the ongoing NSA saga, Pro Publica has created a fantastic chart that collects all of the biggest NSA revelations so far and places them on big chart.

(click to enlarge)

As we can see, there has been a whole lot to absorb over the past 12 months or so. The chart is split up into four overlapping sections that separate foreign and domestic spying programs and events, as well as bulk programs and targeted programs.

In addition to the graphic above, the Pro Publica put together a good list of all the programs noted above that includes links out to some of the best coverage of each revelation. To check it out, click through the link below in our source section.

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This article was originally published on BGR.com

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