Everyone Has ADHD; Exercise Can Lead to Female Orgasms

Everyone Has ADHD; Exercise Can Lead to Female Orgasms

Discovered: Even more ADHD diagnoses than before, science proves the exercise orgasm myth, space is bad for your eyes, pediatricians are racist and a plane that could break the sound barrier

RELATED: Science Demystifies the Female Orgasm

  • Everyone has ADHD these days. Doctors are handing out more ADHD diagnoses than ever before. In 2010, there were 10.4 million ADHD cases diagnosed compared to the 6.2 million in 2000. That's a lot more ADHD. This, of course, does not necessarily mean that technology or corn syrup has ruined our society's future leaders, it might have more to do with doctor awareness. "The magnitude and speed of this shift in one decade is likely due to an increased awareness of ADHD, which may have caused more physicians to recognize symptoms and diagnose the disorder," explains researcher Dr. Craig Garfield. [Academic Pediatrics]

  • The exercise orgasm myth is true! Ladies, science has some news for you: the "coregasm" (their word, not ours!) is real. The study found 370 women who experienced exercise-induced orgasms, or EIO for short. We had heard of this non-sex related event happening during yoga practice (called "yogasms," of course), but now science has confirmed this anecdotal evidence. They also give us the following encouraging stat: "40 percent of women who had experienced EIO and EISP [exercise induced sexual pleasure] had done so on more than 10 occasions." So, like, how does one join the club? "The most common exercises associated with exercise-induced orgasm were abdominal exercises, climbing poles or ropes, biking/spinning and weight lifting," explains researcher Debby Herbenick. Of course, there's also the darker side to all of this: 20 percent reported not being able to control it. Eeps! [Sexual and Relationship Therapy]

  • Spaces gives astronauts crazy eyes. All that pressure does a number on one's body. See for yourself over at The New York Times, which has some gnarly pictures of the pressurized eyes. Looking at 35 astronauts, researchers found four had some swelling around the optic nerve and seven of the astronauts had flattened eyeballs. That's very few people in a very tiny sample size, but the pool of people who have gone into space isn't all that high to begin with. The doctors say the flattening is nothing glasses can't fix, but the other stuff "would be more disconcerting to us," Dr. Larry A. Kramer said. [The New York Times]

  • Pediatricians are racist. We're sure (most of them) don't mean it! But, doctors prescribe different medicines to different races, new research finds. In the study, pediatricians prescribed less pain management to African American patients than to patients from other backgrounds. "Coupled with known racial and ethnic disparities in health care, our findings suggest that well-meaning physicians may unconsciously treat people differently in some areas of care," explains Janice Sabin. [American Journal of Public Health]

  • The plane that could break the sound barrier. Looking to fix one of the world's more pressing problems (noisy planes?), researchers have come up with a design for the quietest plane ever. And the answer is just two words: Two wings (to a side). Having one wing on-top of the other would cancel out the "sonic boom" noise plane's create. "The sonic boom is really the shock waves created by the supersonic airplanes, propagated to the ground," explains designer Qiqi Wang. With his design, each wing would cancel out the noise of the other. And, voila: quiet plane-rides for all.  [MIT]

Image via Shutterstock by Bjorn Hoglund