Everyone Instagrammed Their Turkey Yesterday

Oh, no! You were so busy eating and being thankful for family, friends and good health yesterday that you forgot to Instagram your turkey! Don't worry, everyone else remembered. Thanksgiving was the busiest day ever for the upstart social network. 

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Instagram revealed on their blog this morning that over 10 million pictures related to Thanksgiving were uploaded yesterday. At the highest point of the day there were 226 Thanksgivstagrams being uploaded uploaded per second. Which, really, shouldn't surprise anyone with half a brain and the privilege to have used a smartphone before. This was such a foregone conclusion that the New York Times did a trend piece before the hard data was in.

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We noticed a lot of people were Instagamming when the table was set, when the food was put on the table, and then a picture of their plate for good measure. "Just letting you know how gluttonous I plan on being today, not including seconds, thirds, maybe fourths, and dessert," they were saying with pictures. 

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Here's a sampling of some of the turkey related pictures uploaded yesterday:

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New York Times' chief Thanksgiving authority Sam Sifton served oysters with his feast: 

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Grantland's Rembert Browne had a full plate of... everything. Literally, everything: 

New York Times' media writer Brian Stelter couldn't decide between ham and turkey, so he opted for both!

Bloomberg News' Jared Keller celebrated with a bottle of Johnny Walker Black. We're still waiting for our pour. 

BaoHaus Chef and Vice contributor Eddie Huang did his own turkey, and presumably got some reading done by the looks of things: 

The Atlantic Wire's own Richard Lawson had one of the most delicious sides imaginable with his meal: a big glass of wine