Your Facebook Timeline Looks a Lot Like the New News Feed Now

To go with its brand-new News Feed, Facebook has now updated individual profiles pages, using a similar picture-focused look for a few of your favorite things. Much like the News Feed redesign, Timeline's updated look goes bigfocusing on big boxes of images of things you've shared on Facebook via popular apps like Instagram, Goodreads, and now Netflix. Your likes then show up in this very handsome visual form:

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All of that shows up on the left-hand side of your Timeline, which also means that actual wall posts and photos get that much more real estate on the right side:

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In addition to creating some parity between the two main pages on the social network, this latest move is an attempt by Facebook to resuscitate Open Graph, which has gone underused since it made its debut in the fall of 2011. Following this morning's Netflix integration, plus new Open Graph actions last week, this update gives users the ability to interact with Open Graph on their profile pages. If you like something someone has "read," as broadcasted on Facebook, you can say "want to read" and — voilà — add it not only to your profile, but to your Goodreads reading list: 

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Now that's synergy.