Facing NH loss, Clinton looks ahead to counter Sanders


Facing NH loss, Clinton looks ahead to counter Sanders

With victory seemingly out of reach in New Hampshire, Hillary Clinton is looking ahead to the next round of voting as she tries to counter the rising challenge from Bernie Sanders in the Democratic presidential race. Clinton hopes to use a narrower-than-expected loss in Tuesday’s primary as a springboard into contests later this month in Nevada and South Carolina, with a goal of having a more heavily-minority electorate help her build the foundation for a delegate-by-delegate drive toward the nomination. Clinton is one of the best known political figures in the world and has strong backing among Latinos and black voters.

Before a few weeks ago, I never gave Bernie Sanders the time of day…But if you look at Sanders he has been solid as concrete with regards to his passion for racial, social and economic justice.

South Carolina state Rep. Justin Bamberg

Clinton aides are trying to make the case that the heavily white and liberal electorates of New Hampshire and Iowa make them outliers in the nomination fight. But they worry that a big Sanders victory in New Hampshire would help him make headway among women and minority voters, important parts of the coalition that twice elected Barack Obama as president. Sanders’ strength with younger voters only heightens the threat he poses to what was once Clinton’s decisive national lead.