Fall TV 2014: Your Everything Guide to the New Season, Including Premiere Dates!

The new fall TV season is upon us, and as usual, it's jam-packed with so many new shows that you can't possibly keep them all straight. That's where this story comes in! Bookmark it now; below, you'll find a filterable guide to all the new and returning TV series that are airing this fall. Premiere dates, airtimes, show descriptions, editors' picks—they're all in there. We'll continue to update it in the coming weeks.

Please give the module a few seconds to load, it's a heavy one!

Editor's Note #1: If you click the "follow" button next to any given show, it will: 1. add that show to your "following" list (which you can access via the dropdown menu in the upper righthand corner of the site, next to your user name), 2. add that show to a personalized listings module on the TV.com homepage, and 3. add you as a member of the corresponding show community (if it exists), which means you'll see posts about the show in your community feed.

Editor's Note #2: Currently, our module only displays shows that have definite premiere dates—that's why you won't find shows like The Comeback, The Librarians, or The Newsroom on the list. We DO expect them to debut/return this fall, but until they're officially on the schedule, they won't appear in the widget.

Editor's Note #3: If you think you've found an error or notice that we've missed a particular premiere date, please (politely!) let us know in the comments.

What will YOU be watching this fall?