Film Students With Replica Guns Cause Closure Of LA Freeway


Considering recent terrorist attacks, the decision by a pair of US film students to shoot an action sequence featuring a gas mask and an assault rifle was perhaps not the wisest.

Two young men were arrested and a section of the 101 freeway was closed yesterday, following at least 10 calls to 911 from concerned motorists who saw them on an overpass bridge.

A helicopter and ‘multiple units’ of the California Highway Patrol were despatched following the calls, and both directions of the freeway were shut.

But when police arrived, the pair revealed themselves to be film students from Moorpark College, shooting a class project.

They were carrying in possession of a replica assault rifle, a replica handgun, a gas mask and video cameras.


Both were arrested and charged with various misdemeanours, including brandishing a replica firearm and causing a false emergency, and are being held until a $15,000 bail is produced.

“While the intentions of these two individuals might have been harmless, the fact that anyone would appear in a public place displaying a replica firearm is troubling,“ said Sheriff’s Department Captain Patrick S. Davoren.

“These two men put themselves and our community at risk.”

Added Lt. A.J. Rotella of the Sheriff’s Department: “It appears on the surface that this is innocent in nature. Obviously they should have gone through the process to get a permit, to prepare a community for a film. That was not done.

“The freeway was completely shut down for 10 minutes, which in L.A. time is quite a bit.”

The identities of the students has not been released, but both live in Ventura County, California.

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Image credits: Rex Features