Look Back ... to a favorable tax vote, 1949

May 18—May 18, 1949, in The Star: Voters in the city of Anniston yesterday renewed the special 5-mill property tax which is earmarked for school use by a favorable vote of more than six to one. Tabulations from boxes of six wards showed a total vote of 647 for passage of the renewal measure as opposed to 95 dissenting ballots. (Nearly 7,000 Annistonians are eligible to cast ballots.) Also this date: Four officials from the New York City Water System are visiting in Anniston for three days, during which time they hope to complete contracts amounting to almost half a million dollars with several of Anniston's industrial plants. The men will be visiting Alabama Pipe Company, Rudisill Foundry, M&H Valve Co. and Lee Brothers Foundry during they time they're in Anniston. They are at present guests of the Jefferson Davis Hotel.

May 18, 1999, in The Star: The Army is telephoning Anniston and nearby residents for a public-opinion survey designed to gather local opinion about the chemical weapons stored in Calhoun County. Around 1,000 people in a five-county area will be called.

Assistant Metro Editor Bill Edwards: 256-236-1551. On Twitter @bedwards_star.
