Fired Scott Walker Staffer Drags Her Former Boss on Twitter

The former staffer went in on the failed presidential candidate.

The field of Republican presidential candidates has dropped to fifteen as of this evening with Scott Walker dropping out, saying he needed to “clear the field” to allow a “positive, conservative” message to rise. "I encourage other Republican presidential candidates to consider doing the same so that the voters can focus on a limited number of candidates who can offer a positive, conservative alternative to the current front-runner," said Walker, subbing Donald Trump. But before the announcement, Liz Mair, fired Walker staffer—who has also worked for Rand Paul, Rick Perry (the first to drop out of the race), and Carly Fiorina—went on a 20-plus tweet rant listing all of the reasons Walker failed. Maybe this’ll change Walker’s mind and hire her again when he inevitably runs next time.

She even hinted at some dirty laundry.

As for what Trump had to say about Walker dropping out? He played nice and said:

[via Vox/CNN]

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