New Photos Spice Up the Secret Service Sex Scandal

The big tabloids have uncovered the name and photos of the woman at the center of Secret Service sex scandal and more unflattering details have emerged about the agents who have already been dismissed. Supervisors David Chaney and Greg Stokes have been identified by their lawyer as two of the three Secret Service employees who have been ousted from their jobs at the agency. Both are high level employees with long careers in the service. (Chaney's father was also a Secret Service agent under Lyndon Johnson.) Chaney was allowed to retire prematurely while Stokes has been told that he is fired, but will be given an opportunity to appeal. The Washington Post also reports that as many as 11 agents (along with 10 other military personnel) may have been involved in the party in Colombia that led to the scandal and their firing and there could be more dismissals on the way.

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A search of Chaney's Facebook page showed several photos of himself while on protection duty, including one of him guarding Sarah Palin during the 2008 presidential campaign. In the photo, he is standing behind Palin, wearing sunglasses, and beneath the photo he left a comment saying, “I was really checking her out, if you know what i mean?” Palin herself called Chaney's conduct "pretty embarrassing."

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Meanwhile, both the New York Daily News and the New York Post published candid pictures on their front pages of the escort allegedly at the center of the scandal, though it's not clear who got them first or how they were obtained. The 24-year-old is reportedly the same woman interviewed by The New York Times earlier this week about her encounter with the agents, but was unidentified in their story. She claims that she got into an argument with one of the men after agreeing to spend the night with him for $800 and then he tried to pay just a fraction of that. (The actual agent in question still hasn't been identified.) Given her looks and her story, it won't take much imagination to turn her into a media star, both in Colombia and in the United States, though it's not yet clear how much publicity, if any, she's actually seeking.