Five Awesome Comic Book Related Costumes Perfect for Halloween

Halloween is so close, you can literally taste the titanic amounts of sugar you're about to put into your body. Last week, we saw some down-right terrible costumes, and it's only fair that we check out some super-rad ones as well. As it is every year, the rules are pretty simple: we only pick great looking costumes we haven't picked in the past and we try to find ones that are new for 2014. Let's get right down to business and see what costumes were awesome.

5. Scarlett Costume With an Awful Name

The title of this costume is "Adult Sassy Scarlett Costume." Frankly, there's nothing sassy about it. No one is saying "talk to the hand because the face don't understand" and the model's body language also doesn't reflect the "sassiness" that the title of the costume claims to have.

Regardless, it really does look like Scarlett from the comic book came to life. Sure, the original colors for the character in the cartoon are actually gray and yellow, not green and yellow, but the outfit looks like it jumped right from the source material onto whomever is wearing it.

We found this costume over at PartyCity, which is apparently an American city which celebrates the idea of partying. Anyway, for the price of roughly $80, you can get this outfit, which may seem like a lot, but when I keep thinking back to all the super-expensive, terrible-looking costumes from last week, it doesn't seem too bad. For that price, you get the catsuit, "romper," belt, and gloves. Aside from not knowing what a "romper" is, it seems like a good deal, except for the fact you have to buy the wig on your own.

4. His First Name is Robin, Not His Middle Name

Finally, a Robin costume for a demographic of American men that the costume industry has forgotten about: the balding. I now know I can feel comfortable going out in public in a costume designed for people like me. While the model may not be bald, he does a fabulous job representing my people.

Although it's a costume many fans think is pretty embarrassing by today's standard of sidekick fashion, this costume, based off of the 60s Batman television series, looks great. If you're man enough to leave the house without a hat, then you should have no trouble wearing these short-shorts to a Halloween party.

If you were to pick this costume up, you could head over to Spirit and buy this sucker for $119.99. The costume comes with the eye mask, top, cape, briefs, tights, gloves, belt, and shoe covers. Look at that! You actually get everything in the picture above. It may be a little more pricey than you would expect, but it's actually worth it.

3. If You're Arisia and You Don't Know It, Clap Your Hands

There's probably a lot of females out there, whether they be children or adults, who love them some Green Lantern, probably because the concept is super-rad. However, there's probably (lots of probably in this made up scenario) some women who want a Green Lantern costume that is a bit more feminine than what's offered. Well, that's why this Premium Sexy Green Lantern Costume exists.

Tricked you! It's actually based off of Lantern Arisia's costume! However, it really is called "Sexy Green Lantern Costume." If you're around comic fans who can't understand the concept of females enjoying comic books and they feel like they need to quiz you on your nerdiness, which is apparently a dumb thing some guys do, you can best them. When questioned about the "sexy Green Lantern costume," simply tell the confrontational meanie-head that "This isn't a 'sexed-up' Lantern costume I'm dressed as Lantern Arisia from Sector 2815. Not only does she wield a Lantern ring, but as a Groxonite, her physiology allows to rapidly heal. One of her greatest moments was during Blackest Night where she defeated her family, under the influence of the Black Lantern Corps. You should be ashamed you didn't know all that." Ok, that probably won't happen, but if it does, you're prepared.

Getting away from that scenario which will hopefully never happen, if you wanted to dress up in this pretty awesome Arisia for Halloween, you'd only have to shell out around $27, which is marked down from $67. It comes with the gloves, dress, and boot covers. Sadly, you'll have to buy your own lantern ring, blonde wig, and elf ears to make this costume match the comic character.

2. I Caught a Fish THIS Big

Crashing through the night. Comes a fear full cry. Cobra! Armies of the night. Evil taking flight. Cobra! No to where to run. No where to hide. Panic spreading far and wide. Who can turn the tide? No one. Cobra Commander conquers all. You too can express your strength as Cobra Commander and possibly fight your significant other dressed as Scarlett this Halloween, but only if you keep yelling "Onsssse a man."

It's rare to see a Halloween costume that just gets everything right, especially one based off of a cartoon, based off of a toy line, from 30 years ago. Every detail looks great, from the helmet, to the belt, to the knife holster around the leg, to the pose that makes you want to dominate the world.

We found this Adult Cobra Commander costume over at the Spirit website and for the price of $80, you can own it too. When you purchase this outssssstanding costume jumpsuit and attached belt and buckle, a light blue ascot, black gloves, black boot covers, a helmet and a visor. It's pricey, but totally worth it.

1. The Cartoons Have Come to Life! Run for the Hills!

If you're in the market to make some turtle soup, you're going to need a few things: turtles and this costume so the people at the local pet shop understand what you're trying to accomplish. It's Shredder based off of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles animated series from the early 90s.

Sure, the arms look a little baggy and hang off awkwardly, but the idea of bringing the animated version of this character to life really works well here. It makes the character fun again will be great to talk about with people at the costume party you may be attending. Or you can wear it when you make turtle soup. Yes, I'm bringing up turtle soup again.

We found this costume over at the Spirit store. For the price of $50, you get the jumpsuit, with shoe covers, the cape, and the mask. Now, you just have work on your James Avery impression. It's a cool costume but the fact it's a lot less pricey than others gives it the advantage.

There you have it. Are their new costumes for this year that you really loved? Let us know. See you guys next year!

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