Five Best Friday Columns

Five Best Friday Columns

Alex Marshall in Bloomberg View on how governments create markets Both Republicans and Democrats are wrong in their concept of the market. The market cannot stand on its own, and it's not even something to be regulated. The government creates the market. "The relationship of government to the private marketplace and capitalism as a whole is one of parent and child."

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Prudence Bushnell in The New York Times on securing embassies Bushnell served as an ambassador to Kenya when Al Qaeda blew up two embassies, killing 12 Americans and 32 Kenyans. Bushnell fought for more security measures before it happened, but Washington said no. "We must make that work safer," she writes. "The reasons for violence change with time and place but the human effects are the same."

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Gordon Brown in Reuters on growth in Europe The former British prime minister writes about how Europe may go the way of Japan, not Greece. While it's good that the European Central Bank will act as a lender of last resort, that's not enough to keep Europe afloat. "This puts three steps firmly on the agenda: a fiscal union, a European finance ministry, and some form of Eurobond – the very questions Germany has tried to side-step."

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Charles Krauthammer in The Washington Post on Obama's position on Iran "There are two positions one can take regarding the Iranian nuclear program: (a) it doesn’t matter, we can deter them; or (b) it does matter, we must stop them," Krauthammer writes. "What is incoherent is President Obama’s position." Obama says the nuclear program is intolerable but has done nothing to stop it. "Not since its birth six decades ago has Israel been so cast adrift by its closest ally."

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Kate Tulenko in The New York Times on health workers in the U.S. The U.S. may have a lot of health jobs, but they're going to immigrants because of regulations and costs that come with hiring Americans. It's a self-made labor shortage. "It is irrational and immoral to recruit health workers from countries where one in five children die before their fifth birthday when we could be recruiting and training workers domestically."