These Football Players Doing Their Daughters' Hair Will Turn You Into a Puddle of Happiness

​If only the whole Super Bowl could be this entertaining. ​​

From Redbook

Please forgive us for the following list of superlatives, but these videos of NFL footballers styling their daughters' hair are just painfully cute.

Pantene recruited NFL stars Benjamin Watson of the New Orleans Saints, the Steelers' DeAngelo Williams, and Jason Witten of the Dallas Cowboys, as part of their "Strong Is Beautiful" campaign to give their little girls some proper "dad dos."

The experiment resulted in lopsided princess puffs, botched ballerina buns, and enough giggles to get you through your day.

"We hope our new series of how-to videos shows dads how easy and fun it can be to spend quality time with their daughters by doing their hair," Jodi Allen, a vice president for P&G, says in a release. "The quality time spent with their daughters now will foster the next generation of strong and beautiful women."

Now, here's hoping all of this year's Super Bowl commercials will be this adorable.