Fox News Went to Hillary Clinton's Book Tour to Ask People About Benghazi

Fox News visited the New York stop of Hillary Clinton's book tour on Tuesday morning to ask the defining question of her potential candidacy: What about Benghazi?! Clinton fans and Ready for Hillary volunteers got the Watters World treatment when Jesse Watters, known for asking dumb questions in an attempt to elicit dumb answers for his segment on The O'Reilly Factor, asked what it would take for fans to vote for Hillary, whether they watch Bill O'Reilly, and how much Benghazi would hurt Clinton.

(Arit John/The Wire.) ​​

"He asked if I watch Bill O'Reilly, and I said he was an idiot," Marjorie Kantor, a 67-year-old retiree and Ready for Hillary volunteer, told The Wire. Kantor said Watters also asked her "'Do you think Benghazi will hurt Hillary?' I said yes, it can, but she would overcome that." At that moment a black SUV drove by and a man shouted: BENGHAZI! "You see," Kantor continued, "yes it can." (Note: we were standing 20 feet away from a man holding a Benghazi protest poster.)

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(Arit John/The Wire.) ​​

Watters spoke with another volunteer, Victor Perez, who was equally unamused. "They asked me if Hillary has a problem, what about Benghazi?" Perez said. "I explained everything to them." Watters, again, asked if he watched Bill O'Reilly. "I don't see O'Reilly because O'Reilly's a farce," he said, adding that he felt sorry for Watters because he "picked the wrong guy."

The Ready for Hillary bus. (Arit John/The Wire.) ​​

But then, maybe he didn't — Watters World plays to the preconceived ideas of Fox News' mostly old, mostly white audience, and regardless of what Perez said, he said it with thickly accented English. Watters also targeted some of the more colorful people in the audience. A third interviewee, Puerto Rican comedian H.A. Dynamite, said he would vote for Hillary if she picked a Puerto Rican running mate. "I'm thinking what better candidate, and this is what I told Fox News, what better candidate than me," he said. We're not sure if he was serious, but are willing to bet it'll be played that way. 

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This article was originally published at

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