Free Window Registry Repair review

Free Window Registry Repair helps you remove all kinds of errors and other junk from your Registry to speed up your computer and keep things running smoothly. While this isn't a feature-packed program by any means, it performs its stated function and does it quickly.


Scan options: Through this program, you can choose to run either a Full or Custom scan. A Custom Scan allows you to select specific areas of the computer you'd like to scan, and it can often be completed more quickly than the Full Scan. The Full Scan, on the other hand, is a good option for less-experienced users who just want a quick way to improve system speed.

Restore points: You can choose to have the app create Restore Points each time it completes a cleaning. This is helpful because it gives you the ability to reverse any changes you make if you accidentally delete something you need.


No real Help: There is a Help option included in this program, but the page it takes you to is more of a Sales Page than an actual resource. Here you'll find a list of program features, but not really any guidance on how to use it or what to do if you run into trouble.

Incremental progress: Even after multiple scans run through this program consecutively, it still picks up new errors. So while each individual scan is quick, it can take a significant amount of time to get rid of all errors present on your computer.

Bottom Line

Free Windows Registry Cleaner is an effective option for improving your system speed quickly. It includes some nice features, and the interface makes them accessible to users of all experience levels.

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