Gadwin PrintScreen review

Gadwin PrintScreen enables you to capture the exact image that you want and work with that image in a number of helpful and practical ways.


Rectangular screenshot: If you select the rectangular screenshot tool, you can specify the exact image area that you want to capture, so you don't have to waste time cropping out extraneous details.

Active window: Gadwin also offers the option to target just the open window, so you get a closer, more focused view, without needless details around the perimeter.

Customized hotkeys: There are three important commands in Gadwin PrintScreen, and you can assign custom hotkeys to each of them, rather than using the Print Screen button on your keyboard. You can set a hotkey to print screen, focus on just the active window, or focus on the area you specify with the rectangle tool.


Command icons: If you try to use the command icons and the widget rather than just the hotkeys, you may find that the interface is somewhat rough around the edges. The buttons that let you confirm or cancel a screenshot appear in awkward places and could react better.

Bottom Line

Overall, Gadwin PrintScreen is an excellent app for capturing and printing your screen images. The ability to focus on a given window or a drawn area is very flexible and practical.

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