Game of Thrones: Here's What We Know About Season 5 Based on the First Trailer (VIDEO)

Theatergoers who attended IMAX screenings of the Game of Thrones Season 4 finale on Thursday evening were treated to a nice surprise: a first look at the trailer for Season 5. And now HBO has released it online (via Facebook) for everyone (or at least U.S. viewers) to see! Take a look:

Post by Game of Thrones.

Here's what I've been able to glean from it:

– Someone at HBO is a big fan of David Bowie and/or David Bowie cover bands, because the trailer is set to a cover of "Heroes."

– Arya is now in Braavos, possibly wearing new clothes, with her trusty Needle.

– It appears that Varys is urging a bearded Tyrion to aid Daenerys in her quest for the throne: "The Seven Kingdoms needs a ruler loved by millions with a powerful army and the right family name." Tyrion: "Good luck finding him." Varys: "Who said anything about him?"

– As for Dany, she's ready to burn this mother to the ground. "I'm not going to stop the wheel. I'm going to break the wheel," she says to someone we can't see. There's also a scene in which the bronze statue atop her pyramid is pulled down and tumbles to the ground.

– Tommen and Margaery look like they might be involved in another wedding scene, which I'm sure won't involve any murders. I mean, that would just be too many, right? The Westeros wedding industry can't take any more bad press.

– Littlefinger is still pulling strings and urging Sansa to avenge, presumably, her dead family. "There's no justice in this world," he says. "Not unless we make it. Avenge them."

– Jon Snow is still fighting out in the snow, like Jon Snow does.

– Olenna is still the best and I'll fight you on it.

In addition to the trailer, HBO has also released 18 promotional photos for the new season—check 'em out in the gallery below!

Note: If the Facebook video embedded above doesn't load for you, you might have better luck with the bootlegged YouTube version (at least until HBO cries "copyright" and it gets taken down!):

Game of Thrones returns Sunday, April 12 at 9pm on HBO.