Adorable girl sparks impromptu dance-along on NYC subway platform

Adorable girl sparks impromptu dance-along on NYC subway platform

Proving once again that children are blind to such scourges of humanity as Brooklyn hipsters, street musicians and the L train, an adorable little girl sparked an impromptu dance-along last month to a jug band's performance on a Williamsburg subway platform.

The unidentified child is seen in a recent YouTube video half-stepping and hand-flailing along to a cover of "Me and My Uncle," a song popularized by the Grateful Dead and performed here by a New York-based folk duo called Coyote & Crow. Soon, other straphangers usually too busy working on their expressions of stylish detachment joined in the unrehearsed hoedown at the Bedford Avenue stop, much to the girl's delight.

"Look at this little pink powder puff of a child moving about the New York subway system with jubilance and glee," Gabrielle Bluestone wrote on Gawker. "The subway may never be so pure again."