This girl wants to have a night of passion with the last NFL draft pick [VIDEO]

This Saturday during the seventh and final round of the NFL draft, some college football players will be vying for a title that most players hope to avoid: Mr. Irrelevant.

Mr. Irrelevant is the 253rd pick of the draft, and the very last choice on even the worst football team’s list of players. But this year, Mr. Irrelevant will have more than a trip to Disney World (the customary consolation prize for the last pick) to look forward to.

One fine, upstanding lady from New York City wants to have a night of passion not with the first-round pick, but with the very last.

As she puts it, “I’ve got this special place in my heart for like the humiliated, the neglected — the last pick on the playground kind of guy.”

She continues, “I will be waiting and watching — especially you guys in the Big Sky Conference.”

Looks like Saturday is your lucky day, players from Eastern Washington University.

(h/t Larry Brown Sports)


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