'Girls' Determined to Make Iowa Happen

'Girls' Determined to Make Iowa Happen

Not satisfied with putting its stamp merely on Greenpoint and Bushwick, Lena Dunham's series is bound and determined to turn Iowa into the next hip locale, whether the University of Iowa likes it or not. In the Girls season finale, Hannah was accepted into the Writers' Workshop at the University of Iowa, prompting questions as to whether the New York-set show would be making a move to the midwest. 

Last week, the Iowa City Press Citizen reported that the University denied HBO's request to film on campus. That decision was met with disappointment by members of the Iowa City community who saw the show's presence as an opportunity for the area. 

But Iowa City will still get its chance to shine, and potentially make some tourist dollars. Jesse Peretz, one of Girls' directors, told Katie Van Syckle of Vulture that Girls is "definitely" going to Iowa City. He elaborated: "Even if we can’t shoot on campus, we will shoot around campus. Most of the scenes don’t even take place on campus. So we’ll probably cheat some other campus for the campus. Some of it will be Iowa. A little more than a smidge."

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So, yes, Girls will bring Hannah's trademark narcissism to Iowa. Is Iowa ready for it? 

This article was originally published at http://www.thewire.com/entertainment/2014/04/girls-determined-to-make-iowa-happen/360099/

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