Glee Is Bringing Back Dave Karofsky... and He Might Be Dating Blaine?!

Please let this be part of one of Glee's over-the-top dream sequences!

The Fox musical is bringing back Max Adler, who played McKinley High bully Dave Karofsky, for a major arc in the show's final season, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

Adler will appear in at least four of the show's final 13 episodes. However, the real head-scratcher isn't just that he's returning to the series, but how: When we next see Karofsky, he may be romantically entangled with Blaine. Yes, Blaine.

It's a baffling report not only because Blaine and Kurt ended Season 5 on a very good note, but also because in Season 2, Karofsky bullied Kurt relentlessly for being gay. In fact, it was largely because of the terrible treatment Kurt received from Karofsky and others at McKinley High that drove him to enroll at Dalton Academy, where he met his on-and-off love Blaine.

It was eventually revealed that Karofsky was harassing Kurt because he was struggling with his own homosexuality. In Season 3, he even tried—and failed—to commit suicide after being outed at his new school. After heavily recurring in Glee's earlier seasons, the character last appeared as part of a dream (or should we say nightmare?) sequence last season.

Adler has most recently appeared on ABC Family's Switched at Birth.

What are your thoughts on Karovsky's impending return to Glee?