Glenn Beck Visited New York CIty This Weekend, Had a Rotten Time

Glenn Beck Visited New York CIty This Weekend, Had a Rotten Time

On his radio show Tuesday, Glenn Beck told the tale of his harrowing Labor Day visit to New York City, capped by a journey home in he was subjected to "subhuman" treatment by an American Airlines flight attendant who didn't open his soda for him.

RELATED: Glenn Beck Flees New York City

"What have we become as a nation?" Beck lamented, before launching into his narrative, which started with the brave conservative crusader visiting a barbecue restaurant where he got dirty looks from the staff. (It was a "minority-owned shop," he pointed out. "Was that the line that I dared to cross? No, it couldn’t be because there were white people in there.") Then at breakfast in some other unnamed restaurant, "I was openly mocked by the patrons, and my wife was begging to leave as she heard the wait staff and management gasp in horror that they actually had to serve me." But Beck is used to this kind of thing in New York. Remember when he got wine spilled on him by summer-movie terrorists who he was afraid were going to lynch him?

RELATED: Glenn Beck's Media Empire Is Still Hiring, Apparently

It was on the flight back to Texas that this abuse against Beck reached a crescendo. A flight attendant on the plane was decidedly less chatty to him than to the other patrons, and on top of all that, didn't even open Beck's soda pop:

When others were politely asked if they cared for anything to eat and given the choices, I was just barked at. When he delivered a soda, he slammed it down so hard, I hesitated to even open the can for fear that it would spray all over other passengers in the cabin. By the way, the other passengers, nobody else had to open their can. He opened it and poured it for them. Never once did he look me in the eye. Never once did he offer a kind or even a neutral word to me.

Beck didn't cite any specific criticism of his political views offered by either the New Yorkers or the flight attendent. But these kinds of slights are why Beck moved to Texas in the first place. He's really happy with that decision, he said Tuesday. People there are "neighbors first, Texans second, and Republicans and Democrats somewhere way down on the list."