Gmail Facelift Could Improve Your Inbox

Gmail Facelift Could Improve Your Inbox

Love the Gmail interface? Don't get too attached, because Google may be considering a redesign that makes the email service look completely different. The Internet giant is testing a new Google Now-like design that comes with a bunch of new features for Gmail.

According to screenshots from, the possible new Gmail categorizes your mail by date and type within the inbox itself. A row titled "Updates (5+)" collects all messages containing updates from such services as Eventbrite and Kickstarter. Other rows such as Promos and Social catch messages from Amazon, eBay and Jinx as well as Facebook and Twitter respectively. This feature already exists in the current Gmail except it's in the form of tabs at the top of your inbox.

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Instead of a checkbox, star and tag on the left of each message in your inbox, the new Gmail has icons that show what type of mail each item is. You can organize Gmail by tagging important messages with the pin to the right of each row. says you can use a toggle at the top of the page to drag pinned mails to the top of the pile.

The new layout also features buttons at the bottom right for you to create emails and reminders, and a menu that slides in from the left so you can access all your folders. The right side has a Hangouts panel much like the one already in place on Google Plus pages, only this one slides in like the left menu does as well.

While this version of Gmail does seem to pack plenty of helpful features, we expect there will be some friction if it does get a public release as people get used to the revamp. It's not clear yet whether Google intends to bring this interface to the masses, but since most of its properties already feature a similar look, this could be a much needed makeover for Gmail.

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