Google News & Weather review

Google News & Weather provides the information you need to start your day. You can customize the app to reflect your interests, and the layout is built for ease of use.


Lots of options: You can swipe between all of the main news categories, and once you allow location services or manually add your location, local news and weather will show up as well. If you don't want to flip through all of these each time, you can dictate which ones show up. You can even search and add your own custom categories.

Multiple locations: You can also add multiple locations to the app. Not only does this allow you to see what the weather is like in different places, but it also gives you access to local news stories right from the same page.


Indirect sharing: If you're reading something you'd like to share via Facebook, SMS, or email, you have to return to the headlines listing and do it from there.

Bottom Line

Google News & Weather is a useful, highly customizable resource. The local news is an especially nice addition, although to fully take advantage of all the customization options, you need to log in with a free Google account.

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