Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas review

With its vast open game world and cartload of missions and side jobs, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas makes you feel like a gangster for at least 70 hours. Of all the Grand Theft Auto titles ported to Android, this is certainly the best.


Amazing game world: With Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Rockstar has done an outstanding job at bringing to Android the vast, free-roaming game world of the original title, with all its missions and characters. What's more, the graphics have been improved for tablets, featuring slightly more detailed character models, better lighting, and richer colors.

Excellent customization options: You can choose between onscreen buttons and analog or flick controls, and you can use a contextual, adapted layout for the touch controls, or map your own controls, arranging them as you please on the screen. Also, the graphical settings are highly flexible, allowing you to choose everything from the level of detail to the draw distance to boost your performance.


Clunky controls: The virtual stick controls for camera and movement feel somewhat awkward, even after you get used to them. If you really want to enjoy this game, we recommend you buy one of the compatible USB or Bluetooth gamepads, if you don't happen to already have a MoGa Wireless Game Controller.

Occasional lag and stuttering: Even if you have a quad-core, RAM-packed tablet with a powerful graphics processor, the game will still lag and stutter during chases, big fights, or whenever there are a lot of people and cars in one place.

Bottom Line

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas for Android turns out to be as engaging as the original console game released in 2004. Although it may seem a bit pricey, it has so much to offer in terms of content and storyline that it's without doubt one of the best tablet games money can buy. Whether or not you've played Grand Theft Auto before, you won't regret spending your money on this awesome title.

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