The Great 'Arrested Development' Dump

The Great 'Arrested Development' Dump

The Call Sheet sifts through the day's glut of Hollywood news to find the stories even non-industry types care about. Today: Netflix goes all in, Bravo renews your favorite show, and Showtime has a new project.

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Netflix announced today that the new Arrested Development episodes it has everyone in a panty-twist about will all premiere at the same time. Yup, all ten episodes will be dumped on the site on the same day, sometime next year. This initially seems like an odd choice — Why wouldn't Netflix and everyone on the crew want to mete the show out one by one, drawing out the joy and anticipation? But then we think about it and it's like, eh, why not just unload them all at once? That's how people watch TV on Netflix anyway. Plus it gets rid of all the annoying recap and live-Tweet culture that absolutely would have existed had the rollout been slower. So we say good on you, Netflix. Why not just throw everything out there and let people immediately judge the whole. Obviously this makes us a little concerned that the episodes are bad and Netflix hopes you won't notice when they're just all in a pile like that, but we'll choose to ignore that fear. [Entertainment Weekly]

RELATED: 'Shahs of Sunset': Same Old Stuff from a Different Place

Oh, goodie, some more wonderful television news. Bravo has decided to renew their reality show (ha, "their reality show," as if they only have one, would that were true) Shahs of Sunset, about rich, oblivious Persians running wild in Los Angeles, for a second season. So that's great! We'll get a whole 'nother season of Whiny girl and Other girl and Hair dude and Gay guy. You know, all your favorite characters from Shahs of... Wait, sorry, we forgot the title. What is this show? All we remember is that Eugene Levy from Father of the Bride Part II is in it. Congrats, Eugene. [Deadline]

RELATED: Yes, You Can Join the Cast of the New 'Arrested Development'

This year's The Descendants breakout and the past four years' Secret Life of the American Teenager breakdown Shailene Woodley has chosen her next movie project. She will star in an adaptation of the book The Spectacular Now, about a drunken party teen whose life gets fixed by a girl. Woodley will play that girl. Who will play the party teen, named Sutter Keely, remains to be seen. Wait, "Sutter Keely"? Sutter Keely. I wish Shailene was playing that part because then you could say "Shailene Woodley is Sutter Keely" and it would sound like a made-up language that xylophones speak to each other. [Variety]

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Showtime is developing a series called The Angry Buddhist, which is based on a novel that hasn't even come out yet. That's a good literary agent, right there! The book is set in "the high California desert between the trailer parks and amphetamine labs of Desert Hot Springs and the classic mid-century architecture of Palm Springs" and is about three brothers. One's a Buddhist cop, one's a congressman, and the other's a crook. It's all atmospheric family drama set in weird scrubby high desert with a dash of local crime color. So it's Breaking Justified, basically. Sounds kinda more like an HBO show than a Showtime show, but they're trying to get all classy over there these days (have you seen those Game of Thrones-esque ads for the silly Borgias show?), so this follows. Could be interesting! [Deadline]

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Here's a trailer for the indie drama/comedy (slowly phasing out "dramedy," for better or worse) My Sister's Sister, starring the likable duo of Emily Blunt and Rosemarie DeWitt and the suddenly ubiquitous Mark Duplass. Guy with a girl best friend sleeps with girl's sister, girl best friend tells sister she's in love with guy, complications ensue. It looks charming and all, but one question: Why is one sister British and the other not? Maybe they explain that at some point, but it's trippin' me up. Anyway. Here it is.