Is This ‘the Greatest Bowling Blooper Clip of All Time?’

It’s the kind of clip that most likely lives on thousands of home video cameras across the country. And it probably involves a lot of uncles and fathers, not professional bowlers. What am I talking about? I’m talking about the clip of professional bowler Josh Blanchard tumbling over himself while trying to take a shot during an ESPN-televised bowling event.

Here’s how it went down:

Thought it was funny? Well, it seems no one at the event did. Yahoo! picked up on that (and noted the clip will become the best bowling blooper of “all time”):

The most amazing part is that nobody laughs! Not the fans, not the announcers, not the opponents, not the guy himself. To listen to their seriousness, you’d have thought Blanchard had seriously injured himself, not made himself the subject of what will become the greatest bowling blooper clip of all time.

Agree or disagree?