Guardians of the Galaxy Blu-ray Review

It's hard to believe that Guardians of the Galaxy came out just over four months ago. That means we've been in love with this group of losers for some time now. The movie caught most of us by surprise. Comic readers were familiar with the characters and while they were ripe for a big screen translation, I personally wondered how successful the movie would be, especially being released in August. I'm happy to say I was wrong about how great this movie would be.

There is a lot to like about this movie. We got a bunch of interesting and different characters, all portrayed brilliantly on the big screen. The look of everything and special FX were all pretty cool. Was it a perfect movie? Some thought so. You can read our review HERE to see what we thought back in August.

We won't go into the movie again. You've likely already seen it at least once. We will say that, yes, the movie is still great and fun. The Blu-ray quality is top notch and the sound (and music) is just like you remember. What you're most likely here is for the Special Features.


- Guide to the Galaxy With James Gunn (20:56) Behind the scenes feature. We see how excited James Gunn is about creating the visual look. He wanted to create a space opera. The different aliens have backstories even though they’re not mentioned in the movie. We see about finding the right shade of green for Gamora, Drax’s make up process took 4-5 hours at first, the Kiln set, etc. There's a lot of information here.

-The Intergalactic Visual Effects for Guardians of the Galaxy (7:11) Everyone that worked on bringing life to Rocket. Creating the soul for Rocket and Groot. It's a shorter feature but nice to see how some of the effects were created

- Exclusive Look at Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron (2:17) Start getting excited. We hear fromKevin Feige, Joss Whedon, and others. Shooting at different locations and creating the action fans want to see. It feels really brief since it's just a couple minutes. Plus we're just hungry for as much footage and information as possible.

Other Features

Deleted and Extended Scenes (4:22) Five different scenes. There's nothing here that really stands out. Seeing extra footage is always nice. If you're wondering why they were cut, there is optional commentary you can listen to during the viewing.

Gag Reel (3:54) Almost four minutes. You would think there'd have to be more.

Commentary with James Gunn

Overall, its another great release from Marvel Studios. Of course the lack of a Marvel One-Shot feature is disappointing. We've been getting spoiled with the short movies and it'd be great if we could get more but the studio seems to be pretty busy working on the all the upcoming movies.

If you own any of the other Marvel movies, you're probably already planning on picking this up. Even if you weren't the biggest fan of the other films, this one does stand apart and separate from those. With the holidays coming up, this also makes a great gift for yourself or others or something to add to your wish list if you're able to resist buying it right away. It's almost a guarantee you'll watch this more than once after you buy it. Now to wait until the sequel...

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