We had an incredible quickie with J'Something

Cape Town – J’Something of our favourite soulful band Micasa stopped by our offices on Tuesday and let's just say we’re crushing hard on him.

Not only is he the lead singer of Micasa but he also told us about a great cause that he himself spent the morning participating in.

Proving his beading skills he participated in the Goodbye Malaria event where he beat the gogo’s and tata’s and got more than 15 bracelets beaded for the charity.

(Photo:Willem Law)

Channel24 had a quickie with the beading master and chatted to him about the other talents he may have with his hands…

Channel24: We’ve seen you on your own cooking show and now you're beading bracelets, so what other secret talents can you do with your hands?

J’Something: Well, I think those are the only two. I’m a wanna be handy man but the other things I can’t tell you…

(Let's leave that up to your imagination)

Channel24: We know you love to cook, so who are the three celebs you’d like to cook for?

J’Something: Definitely my number one would be Jamie Oliver. I’m a cook not a chef so I think it would be cool to get an opinion from a guy I idolise in the food industry. The second person would be Chrissy Teigen, John Legend's wife.

Channel24: Is she your celebrity crush?

J’Something: No I wouldn't say celebrity crush, she’s hot though but while we're on that subject my third choice would be Scarlett Johansson.

Channel24: What’s your favourite kitchen tool to use?

J’Something: My knife. I like chopping.

Channel24: Can you tell us some inside scoop about the Micasa movie?

J’Something: We're about to release part three now, and there are two more parts after that. When the five parts have been played, I hope and pray that the whole movie will speak and be more than just a cool video. I’ve been really excited with people’s comments because it’s challenging people’s opinions. At the end of it people are gonna see a big twist which is gonna be cool.

Just be prepared for a story that's definitely gonna touch and challenge you a lot.

Channel24: Can you tell us all the languages you speak?

J’Something: I can speak Portuguese by birth, when I came to South Africa I could only speak that. But now I can speak English, Afrikaans, Xhosa and I’m trying to learn Sotho.

Channel24: What’s the most Capetonian thing you can say?

J’Something: Awe Ma Se Kind. I say that on stage all the time. My favourite Afrikaans word is "heerlik", I think it really speaks what it means.

Channel24: Lastly can you tell us about the Goodbye Malaria event and why Micasa chose to be part of this cause?

J’Something: Firstly what we want people to know is that Micasa always wanted to become famous for one reason and that's to impact people, to bring change through music otherwise music is pointless. When you start to make music like Michael Jackson, Stevie Wonder and U2, it’s those people who really impacted people through their music and make a change. As Micasa we’ve always been interested in becoming a group that people look on to, something that's more than just a song.

In Africa the biggest killer, bigger than Aids or anything else is Malaria. A child dies every 60 seconds from it and it’s a problem that has a solution and that's what Goodbye Malaria is about.

It’s an initiative that started going to Mozambique and spraying houses to protect it from Malaria. We’ve had the privilege of actually going there and see what we are ambassadors for. They’ve sprayed over 30 000 houses in a space of a year now.

Micasa chose this cause because kids are dying, generations are dying and when generations are dying, your future is dying. We are very passionate about the youth and that’s why we try to be good role models because the youth needs to be impacted in a good way.

World Malaria day is on 25 April, to show your support you can purchase a Relate Bracelet at any Due South store around South Africa. They are also available from the Relate Bracelets and Goodbye Malaria websites.

Goodbye Malaria:

Website: www.goodbyemalaria.com

Facebook: www.facebook.com/goodbyemalaria

Twitter: @GoodbyeMalariaZ

Relate Bracelets:

Website: http://www.relate.org.za/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RelateBracelets

Twitter: https://twitter.com/RelateBracelets