Your Health Is Your True Wealth

When is the last time you not only worked out, but actually followed through on a consistent regimen? The number-one excuse I hear over and over again is, “I’m so busy with work right now, I really wish I had the time.”

Hearing someone talk about how they “wish” they had time to invest back in themselves and work out more often always crushes me. Here in America, we are privileged with options, and plenty of them. Along with those options come decisions.

A majority of studies have proven that over half of America isn’t very good at making healthy decisions. Whether it is someone dying a premature death, 30 to 40 year olds being diagnosed with diabetes, or maybe even having health complications yourself.

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Even though Mexico just recently surpassed the U.S. as the most obese country, we don’t fall far behind. What this tells me is that half of Americans have gotten complacent with the infamous, “I wish I had more time.” Very rarely do I watch television, but when I do, I still come across all of these commercials promising us that if you take this pill, you will lose 20 pounds. Or if you try this piece of equipment, you will get the six pack you have always dreamed of.

I have some very disheartening news for you. There is no such thing as a magic pill. And there certainly isn’t a special piece of equipment that will trim your mid section and blast away fat while leaving you with six-pack abs. What does exist, and what can give you the results you are looking for, is commitment. The single best thing you can do to start a new journey towards your dream body and feeling the best you have ever felt is making a commitment with yourself.

One of our most important assets is our health. If we don’t feel well, we can’t do well. How can you expect to get the absolute most out of life if your energy levels are below average, carrying around excess fat, and feeling like complete crap? You can’t! Looking good is just a benefit. It is so much deeper than simply reaping the exterior rewards. The true benefit is what happens within us when we give our bodies the attention they need.

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We all have different levels of fitness, and yes, different health conditions. If you haven’t worked out in 10 months, I don’t expect you to work out like someone who does so five days a week. However, I do ask that you make a strong commitment with yourself to make the time. Even if it is just a morning walk before the kids get up.

Here are three reasons why you should make “time” to work out on a regular basis:

1. Happiness!

We all want to be happy right? Exercising releases chemicals called endorphins that produces a happy state of mind. Talk to a runner and they will tell you all about “runner’s high.”

2. Health concerns make you a liability.

I know you don’t want to envision this, but what if you had a stroke because you haven’t exercised in a year? Who is the one suffering? Your children, spouse and the ones who love you most.

3. Get more done.

Why do you think CEOs of some of the most powerful companies in the world wake up ridiculously early to head to the gym? Apple’s CEO Tim Cook can be found in the gym at 5 a.m. What’s your excuse again?

Your health is your true wealth. Don't neglect it.

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