Here’s 17 Of The Strangest Job Interview Questions Ever Asked

Here’s 17 Of The Strangest Job Interview Questions Ever Asked

Job interviews: They’re always the daunting, terrifying thing that stands in the way of you, and your dream job.

And because of this, you can nearly always guarantee that they’ll be designed to suss you out, and see how you’ll react in the strangest of scenarios.

With that in mind, here’s 17 of the strangest, most off-putting questions that interviewees at top companies such as Google have had to endure.


1) Google: Choose a city and estimate how many piano tuners operate a business there.

2) Facebook: How many Big Macs does McDonald’s sell each year in the U.S?

3) Google: If you could only choose one song to play every time you walked into a room for the rest of your life, what would it be?

4) Cisco: ‘What kind of tree would you be?’

5) Boeing: ‘What do you think of lava lamps? And Dilbert?’

6) Facebook: ‘How much do you charge to wash every window in Seattle?’


7) Biogen Idec: ‘What were you like as a child?’

8) Hess: ‘What’s your favorite color?’

9) Apple: ‘How many children are born every day?’

10) Apple: ‘If I was talking to your best friend, what is one thing they would say you need to work on?’

11) Intel: ‘Design a spice rack for the blind.’

12) Google: ‘If you could be remembered for one sentence, what would it be?“


13) Celgene: ‘Tell me a story.’

14). St. Jude Medical: ‘Why are manholes round?’

15) Microsoft: ’If you had a choice between two superpowers–being invisible or flying–which would you choose?’

16) MasterCard: ‘What do you do if you are approached by an employee who is complaining about a colleague who has horrible body odor?’

17.) Medtronic: ‘What do you think you will hate about this job?’