Holocaust survivor depicts Auschwitz experience through dance

BERLIN - Eva Fahidi, a 90-year-old Holocaust survivor, commemorates the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz with a dance performance about her years in the concentration camp. Fahidi performed the dance, "Sea Lavender or the euphoria of being," with Emese Cuhorka, who plays her younger self in the piece. "You can express yourself much better and more precisely with gestures and especially with dance than verbally," said Fahidi, who performed the piece ahead of International Holocaust Remembrance Day on Jan. 27. Fahidi's parents and sister died in the Holocaust. After the liberation Fahidi returned to Hungary and later joined the Budapest dance group "The Symptoms," which helped her tell her story through dance. (This Jan.25 story corrects the name of the dance and also removes the video that also contained the error)