Home of ex-Vatican bank chief searched in widening Finmeccanica corruption probe

ROME - A Naples prosecutor says the home of the recently ousted president of the Vatican bank has been searched as part of a corruption investigation into Italy's state-controlled aerospace and engineering giant Finmeccanica.

Prosecutor Francesco Greco told The Associated Press that Tuesday's search had nothing to do with Ettore Gotti Tedeschi's role as head of the Vatican bank and that he is not under investigation in the Finmeccanica probe.

Prosecutors for months have been investigating allegations that Finmeccanica officials created a slush fund to funnel money to political parties.

Greco declined to provide details of why Gotti Tedeschi's home was searched. Gotti Tedeschi is the well-connected head of the Italian branch of Spain's Banco Santander. The Vatican bank board ousted him May 24 saying he failed to do his job.