Instagram for live music videos makes supporting artists easier


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As Taylor Swift recently suggested by taking her back catalog off Spotify, the digital age isn't paying well for musicians and bands. While the internet has been a great tool for exposure, it's often said that there's now more money in live performance than there is in digital releases. But can the two be combined? We've already written about Cheers, the app that lets passersby tip buskers with Bitcoin. Now appLOUD is a social network that lets fans tag their videos of bands' live performances to turn them into in-app ticket and merch stores.

Gig-goers can upload videos of their favorite artists much like they would on Instagram or Vine. The app is dedicated to live music, so there's no cat photos or foodstagrams. When users tag the musician or band's Twitter handle, the video is automatically accompanied by quick links to see upcoming tour dates and locations, buy tickets or music, or simply tip the artist. Users can find out about new shows and even pay for a ticket without leaving the app.

appLOUD is optimized for a generation that now does everything on their mobile. Instead of hoping that fans might make the step from viewing their friend's video of last night's gig to searching for a concert near them, the app does the hard work for them. Are there other ways to help artists monetize digital content so they get paid for their work?
