Instant View: Supreme Court makes gay marriage the law of the land

(Reuters) - The Supreme Court ruled on Friday that the U.S. Constitution provides same-sex couples the right to marry, handing a historic triumph to the American gay rights movement. The court ruled 5-4 that the Constitution's guarantees of due process and equal protection under the law mean that states cannot ban same-sex marriages. With the ruling, gay marriage will become legal in all 50 states. Story: Take a Look: Full ruling: Following are comments from politicians and other interested parties on the landmark ruling. COMMENTS: JEB BUSH, CANDIDATE FOR REPUBLICAN NOMINATION FOR U.S. PRESIDENT: "Guided by my faith, I believe in traditional marriage. I believe the Supreme Court should have allowed the states to make this decision. I also believe that we should love our neighbor and respect others, including those making lifetime commitments. In a country as diverse as ours, good people who have opposing views should be able to live side by side. It is now crucial that as a country we protect religious freedom and the right of conscience and also not discriminate." HILLARY CLINTON, CANDIDATE FOR DEMOCRATIC NOMINATION FOR U.S. PRESIDENT: (From Twitter) "proud to celebrate a historic victory for marriage equality." (From campaign email) "Today is one of those days we'll tell our grandchildren about. Marriage equality is now the law in all 50 states. From Stonewall to today's decision, the courage and determination of the LGBT community has changed hearts, minds, and laws. Generations of advocates and activists sacrificed so much for this victory. This is our country at its best: inclusive, open, and striving towards true equality." DONALD TRUMP, REAL ESTATE DEVELOPER, CANDIDATE FOR REPUBLICAN NOMINATION FOR U.S. PRESIDENT: (From Twitter) "Once again the Bush appointed Supreme Court Justice John Roberts has let us down. Jeb pushed him hard! Remember!" UNITED AIRLINES, U.S. AIR CARRIER: "Today’s historic ruling is a long-awaited victory for all those who chose to take a stand for marriage equality, and we applaud the Supreme Court for affording same-sex couples the respect and dignity they deserve under the law." BERNIE SANDERS, CANDIDATE FOR DEMOCRATIC NOMINATION FOR U.S. PRESIDENT: "Today the Supreme Court fulfilled the words engraved upon its building: 'Equal justice under law.' This decision is a victory for same-sex couples across our country as well as all those seeking to live in a nation where every citizen is afforded equal rights. For far too long our justice system has marginalized the gay community and I am very glad the Court has finally caught up to the American people." MIKE HUCKABEE, CANDIDATE FOR REPUBLICAN NOMINATION FOR U.S. PRESIDENT: "The Supreme Court has spoken with a very divided voice on something only the Supreme Being can do-redefine marriage. I will not acquiesce to an imperial court any more than our Founders acquiesced to an imperial British monarch. We must resist and reject judicial tyranny, not retreat." NANCY PELOSI, DEMOCRAT, MINORITY LEADER, U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES: "Today, the Supreme Court unequivocally affirmed that equal justice under the law means marriage equality for LGBT Americans. This decision is about creating a future where loving, committed families are able to live with dignity. This is about freedom. This is about love. This is transformative, not only for LGBT families, but for America." BOBBY JINDAL, GOVERNOR, STATE OF LOUISIANA AND CANDIDATE FOR REPUBLICAN NOMINATION FOR U.S. PRESIDENT: "The Supreme Court decision today conveniently and not surprisingly follows public opinion polls, and tramples on states' rights that were once protected by the 10th Amendment of the Constitution. Marriage between a man and a woman was established by God, and no earthly court can alter that. "This decision will pave the way for an all out assault against the religious freedom rights of Christians who disagree with this decision. This ruling must not be used as pretext by Washington to erode our right to religious liberty." (Reporting by Reuters staff; Compiled by Dan Burns)