iPhone 6 Plus Selling for Thousands on eBay

iPhone 6 Plus Selling for Thousands on eBay

Can't wait a month before you get your hands on an iPhone 6 Plus? If you've got a few thousand dollars to spare, you can sidestep the wait time.

Manufacturing delays and record level demand has meant the iPhone 6 Plus won't deliver for three to four weeks (longer from some wireless carriers), but some enterprising "third party" eBayers took advantage of the situation and are listing the whole range of new iPhone offerings, some for as much as $5-6,000.

A reasonable person would think nobody in their right mind would spend that kind of money on an iPhone just to jump the line, when they could have one in a matter of weeks in the $750 to $950 range.

But you'd be wrong, though.

And the $2,000 range was Friday's price. Today's Saturday, so double it.

This article was originally published at http://www.thewire.com/technology/2014/09/iphone-6-plus-selling-for-thousands-on-ebay/380171/

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