iPhone Backup Extractor review

iPhone Backup Extractor extracts iTunes or iCloud files from both your iPhone and iPad devices, which is helpful in case of lost or deleted files.


Extraction options: iPhone Backup Extractor offers a variety of extraction options for your device content. For example, you can extract contacts as vCards or as CSV files. SMS files can be extracted as HTML or CSV files.

Quick extraction: We found the extraction process very swift -- just seconds.


Requires a little technical know-how: While you don't have to be an expert, you will need to be comfortable handling CSV and HTML file formats, among others.

Difficult to navigate: With only four menu options and three tabs, iPhone Backup Extractor seems pretty streamlined. But after digging into it a bit, we found it vague and clunky. We paid a visit to the online Help page, hoping to find a guide to get us started, but it only offered a general overview. We eventually stumbled our way through extracting files to our designated folders.

Fails to immediately recognize device: We first opened the program and then plugged in our iPhone, expecting the program to recognize the device. We had to unplug and replug our device a few times, and, even then, the Backup Details overview didn't display our device type or the correct time.

Bottom Line

Technophiles will probably be more forgiving of iPhone Backup Extractor's cumbersome navigation and more appreciative of its extraction abilities. If you're looking for easier navigation and file extraction, you should look elsewhere.

Editors' note: This is a review of the trial version of iPhone Backup Extractor 5.3.18.

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