James Franco explores leather, sex, porn, bondage and discipline in 3 films at Sundance

PARK CITY, Utah - There's a lot of leather and sex in James Franco's life right now.

The 34-year-old actor-director is part of three movies at the Sundance Film Festival that deal with sex, pornography and bondage, and discipline.

In an interview at the independent-film showcase in Park City, Utah, he said, "I guess I'm drawn to it."

Franco co-directed, produced and stars in "Interior. Leather Bar." He produced the documentary "kink." And he plays Hugh Hefner in "Lovelace," which premieres Tuesday at Sundance.

"Interior. Leather Bar." is a reimagining of the segments cut from William Friedkin's 1980 film, "Cruising," so it could earn an R rating. "Kink" is about Kink.com, the leading producer of bondage-and-discipline pornography. "Lovelace" is about "Deep Throat" star Linda Lovelace.

Franco says the timing is just coincidental.