Jon Stewart Wonders If Romney Is Getting Dumber

Jon Stewart Wonders If Romney Is Getting Dumber

Barack Obama must be the luckiest dude on the planet, Jon Stewart said last night on The Daily Show, because something is happening to Mitt Romney: He is getting dumber and dumber as the election goes on.

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For example, at the start of the campaign, Romney touted a plan with 150 pages and 59 policy ideas to boost the economy. But then, just eight months later, Romney told people at a fundraiser in the infamous 47 percent video that he would boost the economy just by getting elected president because it would raise confidence.

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"This is the businessman candidate," Stewart says. "He's gone from having a 59-point economic plan to magic. Don't worry, all this country needs is a little shot of vitamin Mitt. ... It's like he's Charlie from Flowers for Algernon, and the serum is wearing off."

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