Jony Ive talks design, meeting Steve Jobs for the first time and more in fascinating interview

Charlie Rose recently released a 35 minute video clip featuring all-new footage from a fascinating sit-down interview he conducted with Apple design guru Jony Ive. While the broad theme of the interview centers what “makes Apple Apple”, the interview naturally veers off into any number of interesting directions.

From the design and business principles that comprise Apple’s DNA to Ive recounting how Steve Jobs reshaped Apple upon his return in 1997, the entire interview is provides a compelling, informative, and at times entertaining peek into a company that doesn’t often have its executives sit down for full-length interviews.

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For instance, here’s Ive, echoing a sentiment often championed by Steve Jobs, explaining that Apple’s primary goal is to create great products, and that financial success is simply a byproduct of that.

“There is business and there is commerce, but we’re very clear about the hierarchies here, ” Ive explains. “And so, we’ve been very clear that we expect those concerns to be consequences of us doing our job right. And so, our job isn’t to make money for Apple. Our job is to try and make the very best products that we can. Now we trust if they are good and we trust if we are competent and we do our jobs in trying to describe them, and if we are competent in making them, they will be attractive and bought. They will be bought in volume and that we will eventually make money.”

“Now I’m aware of course that can sound incredibly simplistic,” Ive later added. “I’m aware that that can sound like an easy thing to say given our vantage point right now, but that’s actually what we said in 1998 when the company was struggling.”

When asked if he was a designer or an artist, Ive said that he views himself as a mixture of an artist, engineer, designer, builder, and craftsman.

The full video interview can be viewed below.

If geographical restrictions prevent you from watching the video, you can check it out on YouTube over here.

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